
Izzy is Ella's sister. She is currently in Florida with her amazing puppy raiser. She has mastered her basic commands and is now working on advanced commands as well as her public access skills. She will come to our training facility when she is ready to learn her skills as a service dog and be teamed with a veteran in need.


Izzy is Ella's sister. She is currently in Florida with her amazing puppy raiser. She has mastered her basic commands and is now working on advanced commands as well as her public access skills. She will come to our training facility when she is ready to learn her skills as a service dog and be teamed with a veteran in need.

Rosie Rayleigh
Hi, it's me Rosie Rayleigh. I am so excited to be here and I came all the way from the UK. I just had my first work day at the LRMC hospital and the USO and did and outstanding job.
I love to cuddle and I am very quick to learn. I am looking forward to many more visits at the hospital and USO and bring smiles to everyones faces. I would love to give you cuddles if you say "Hi" to me!

Roxie Silver
I am Roxie Silver! I just had my first day at work at the LRMC and USO and did a wonderful job and brought many smiles on to our military patrons faces. It was so much fun and I cannot wait to go again! I have a lot of fun and patience learning and will do an amazing job as a Service Dog for my future Veteran. If you see me around please say "Hi"!